Listen to your body

If I am being completely honest, I am not the type of person that seeks help when I’m sick. At least I wasn’t. I used to think “I’m sure it’ll go away on its own” or “I’m sure it’s not a big deal. It’s never a big deal”.

This changed when I began to experience severe digestive discomfort in the form of bloating, gas, heartburn and urgency to use the bathroom. What really sent me to the doctor was experiencing blood when I would use the bathroom.

The first few times it happened I got scared but didn’t say anything and figured it would just go away on its own. When it didn’t I got worried and made an appointment with my doctor after months of bleeding.

I remember that day clearly. My usual GI was on vacation and I was seen by another doctor in the office. I told him my symptoms, expressed my concerns and requested a colonoscopy. He told me it seemed like hemorrhoids and advised against a colonoscopy.

Now, I’m not a confrontational person and hate disagreeing with healthcare professionals, but I knew this was not what he said. I knew my body and this was not normal. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

I politely explained that I would feel more comfortable having the procedure, at the very least to rule anything else out. He discussed it with my GI and I was granted an appointment for my colonoscopy.

I am glad I was persistent, for once. This changed my life and I don’t know what would’ve happened had I not gotten checked out. I can’t imagine the amount of people out there too afraid to speak up, like I was, living with an unknown illness. But I’m glad I spoke up and was bigger than my fear.

I listened to my body and it was the best thing I ever did.

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